Help us to preserve this
iconic building
Set within extensive Parkland, Scarisbrick Hall is an imposing and richly embellished Gothic-Revival masterpiece, celebrated for its association with some of the key architects who championed the reintroduction of the medieval Gothic style to architectural design in the nineteenthcentury. Chief amongst these is the celebrated architect Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-1852), the mostinfluential figure amongst all of the Gothic revivalists.
Scarisbrick Hall was Pugin’s first, and only major, domestic commission. For these reasons Scarisbrick Hall is Grade I listed, which means that the building is regarded as being of exceptional importance. The designed landscape within which the Hall is set is also of great interest. It forms a Conservation Area, a Registered Park and Garden and a Biological Heritage Site. This landscape incorporates the site of the moated medieval Hall (now a Scheduled Monument), vacated in 1595 when the Scarisbrick’s chose to build their ancestral home anew on the current site.
The maintenance burden of a building of this scale is significant and whilst many arears of the Hall have been professionally restored, we still have work to do and your support would be appreciated.
Ways of giving
As well as giving online, there are lots of other ways you can support our work, from setting up a regular donation to leaving a legacy.
Donate online – make a one-off donation or set up a regular monthly donation using our fundraising partner TotalGiving, and if you are a UK tax-payer, you can maximise your gift through Gift Aid
Send a cheque – cheques should be made payable to Scarisbrick Hall Trust and sent to Scarisbrick Hall Trust, Scarisbrick Hall, Southport Road, Scarisbrick, Lancashire, L40 9RQ.
Leave a legacy – If you are interested in leaving a gift in your Will, please contact Greg Aylmer, Trustee, at admin@scarisbrickhalltrust.org
If you regularly search online, a really easy way to support us is through easysearch.org.uk. By using easysearch instead of Google, you can raise money for Scarisbrick Hall, just select 'Scarisbrick Hall Trust' as your chosen charity, or use this link.
If you would like to run a fundraising activity or event on our behalf, or for any other information on how you can support us, email admin@scarisbrickhalltrust.org.uk